Deutsche Spiele Preis – Winner

Deutsche Spiel PreisThe results of this year’s DSP have just been announced and I’m very pleased to see that Pillars of the Earth got the vote. It’s an excellent game and by the looks of things it was a very clear winner. The top 10 is filled with excellent choices and, having played all of them, it shows what an astounding set of games has been released in the last year. The full list with votes cast is as follows:

  1. Pillars of the Earth, by Rieneck & Stadler (Kosmos / Mayfair) – 3957 points
  2. Notre Dame, by Stefan Feld (alea / Rio Grande) – 2980 points
  3. Vikings, by Michael Kiesling (Hans im Glück / Rio Grande) – 2576 points
  4. Yspahan, by Sebastien Pauchon (Ystari / Rio Grande) – 2298 points
  5. Zooloretto, by Michael Schacht (Abacusspiele / Rio Grande) – 1293 points
  6. Arkadia, by Rüdiger Dorn (Ravensburger) – 1222 points
  7. Imperial, by Mac Gerdts (Eggertspiele / Rio Grande) – 1177 points
  8. Leonardo da Vinci, by Acchitocca (daVinci / Mayfair) – 1016 points
  9. Thebes, by Peter Prinz (Queen / Rio Grande) – 965 points
  10. Colosseum, by Wolfgang Kramer & Markus Lübke (Days of Wonder) – 855 points